Medical History Submission




Dear Parents and Student-Athlete:


In order to provide quality medical care for our student-athletes, it is essential that we develop a close understanding of their medical histories.  It is also important that we compile each student-athlete’s medical insurance information in the event that he or she should need to see a medical professional.


Please follow the steps below to accurately input the data for your student-athlete.

New SCC Student-Athlete

  1. Go to the following website –  or find this link on the SCC athletics page.
  2. Click the Register link to create a new account, using the account group and account code provided. Account group – 10620, Account code – 1967443
  3. Once your account has been created, you will be taken to your profile page. Please complete all information on this page. For example my information, primary emergency contact, primary physician, and insurance information.
  4. When you get to the Notes tab please enter any previous injuries (sprains, strains, fractures, heat illnesses, and concussions), surgeries and chronic illnesses (asthma, diabetes, high blood pressure) under the medical history area. Allergies would be added under the medical alert and current medications would go under the notes section.
  5. When you have completed all tabs, you will find a sign and submit button at the bottom of the page please make sure to do that before you log off. If you completed your profile at a different time you can also go to the My Profile menu and sign and submit your profile.
  6. You can update your profile at any time by logging on to your account at

Returning SCC Student-Athletes

            Update your current account, you DO NOT need to create a new account. You can update your profile at any time by logging on to your account at


Thank you for your cooperation and prompt response.  Should you have any questions or concerns regarding any of these procedures, please feel free to contact Sheena Abbott, Manager of Health Fitness and Athletic Training at (319) 768-4158, or send an e-mail to



Great River Health System Athletic Training Staff