A Time To Shine

A Time To Shine

Is there anything better than receiving a bag full of candy and treats on Halloween like clockwork every October 31? That one night during the week where you can chill and hang with your friends? Can't forget about the series of scary movies that make you jump out of your seat after one minute? Sure, this all allows us to either get pumped up about this upcoming Halloween night, or reminisce on days that throw us back to some good ole' times.

On October 28, the Southeastern Community College Golf teams are getting prepared to take all of this over the edge and engage in an opportunity of a lifetime. They all will be listeners, supporters, and advocates for a young boy who has been through it all. At the age of sixteen months, Joshua was diagnosed with Smith-Magenis Syndrome, which is very rare chromosomal deletion in the short arm of chromosome 17. There wasn't much faith, hope, or inspiration for little Joshua or his family. As time went on and against all odds, Joshua rose above the occasion and just blossomed in every aspect of his life. He is bright, humorous, and has proved everyone wrong.

This is a pivotal example of how essential it is to fight for yourself at all times, never lose hope, and live each day like it's your last. It's also crucial to remember every single person around you is facing a battle that you know nothing about. Be kind, thoughtful, and giving to everyone you come across. This might be a little act of a good deed, but this "little deed" can literally turn someone's life around.

The SCC Golf teams will be joining in on the "Through Joshua's Eyes" Trunk or Treat on Friday, October 28, at the mall here in Burlington. This organization has thrived in all elements throughout the years, and has a thorough impact on special needs students of all ages in every community. The teams have participated in this event in the past, but always get that new intriguing outlook on a yearly basis. SCC's theme this year is, "You Make A Difference." This sign will be hung up, and it would be great if staff members could donate candy for this event. All candy must be wrapped, and all donations can be dropped off to Julie White in the Athletic Office.

We'd love to see your dignity, pride, and respect to equal a remarkable mentality of taking care of these sweet kids. There is nothing better than seeing all of their smiles, giggles, and happiness because they know we want to be a part of their journey and road to greatness. So, come put one foot in front of the other and act on a memorable Halloween event!